Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another Reason Not To Get A Tattoo

As if you didn't already know what can go wrong...

PROUD Martin Nolan spent seven hours having a prayer tattooed on his back — then showed it off to a pal who spotted TWO spelling mistakes.
Martin, 43 — who paid £200 for the tribute to his mum Breda — was furious to be told strength had been etched as “strenght” and wisdom as “nisdom”.

Caterer Martin, who cannot afford laser treatment to have the blunders corrected, moaned yesterday: “My heart sank. I’m stuck with this for life.” Tattoo parlour Hippy Heaven — near Martin’s home in Ealing, West London — blamed HIM for approving the outlines of the letters before they were filled in.
Manager Andrew Daynes, 38, said: “We always ask this because some of the international artists might not be able to spell very well. It is the same with dyslexic artists.”



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